Trailer of "You Don't Mess With The Zohan"
Official Website: http://www.youdontmesswiththezohan.com/
Oh man, can't wait to catch that movie ehy?! Me too!
No, i am not going to talk about the political issues that this show has raised but rather the story line and the character, well mostly the main character played by Adam Sandler, who in the show is named "Zohan" ,a big shot in his native Israel, is a terrorist-killing, gets high-fives whenever he strolls down the beach. Enemies dread him, men want to be him and women want to be with him. He is like a super-human as he can catch bullets in his teeth and beat up 10 men with his bare hands at super-speed. Not bad for a guy whose style is left over from the early '80s.
As the story goes, Zohan is unhappy and longs for a different life. Despite his patriotism and years of loyal service, he is exhausted and disillusioned from the incessant fighting between Israelis and Palestinians. He tells his parents that he wants to move to America and start a new life. But they laugh at him and call his sexuality into question when he finally discloses that his secret dream is to be a hairdresser for Paul Mitchell. They also remind him that his country needs him now more than ever. Zohan's fate seems sealed until his arch-enemy, The Phantom (John Turturro), returns to the scene. During a battle to capture The Phantom, Zohan fakes his own death and then stows away on a plane to the States. Living under an assumed name, he resides in a New York City neighborhood where Palestinians and Jews co-exist peacefully.
Although he has finally found some peace, Zohan's dream of working for Paul Mitchell did not come true. Instead, he is hired by a neighborhood beauty salon owned by Dalia (Emmanuelle Chriqui) -- a beautiful Palestinian woman whose business, like the others in the neighborhood, is threatened by a wealthy real estate developer Walbridge. Meanwhile, Zohan is tracked down by the angry cab driver Salim (Rob Schneider), whom he'd encountered years before in Irsael. Salim gets word to The Phantom that his old enemy is still alive and well. Zohan must fight with old foes gunning for him while also trying to save his new found community from the clutches of a greedy businessman.
That's a whole lot of information from the storyline! Well, the point i wanted to talk about is when Zohan moved away into America, no one knew or could tell that he was a Israeli soldier ("super-human") who had fought many and won many, because of the way he perceived himself to be; a hair-dresser (a sexy one). In this movie, he had changed his hairstyle and dressing to make himself look more like a hair-dresser. Well, everyone bought it, the women loved him lining up just to get a hair cut from him.
But never judge a book by its cover!(gosh,cliche i know, i just needed to prove my point) Every one's perception is based on an information built up from the past experiences,character,thought processes and even social factors. Be it from individual characteristics as mentioned or the mass media,social networks,psychological state, priorities, motives or environment, all these builds up our perceptions on things. In time to come, we all realize that these perceptions that are built are not always correct to judge a person or anything.
One very clear cut example like my friend "A". I thought that "A" was a simple guy with a simple past, polo t-shirt and jeans,sling bag,just plain "A" when i first saw him. Who knew,he was this American-trained military soldier! He had so many stories to tell us and we were all fascinated and entertained by it. Yes, never judge a book by its cover.
Anyway, Adam Sandler movie fans, be sure to catch this show as it releases on the 19th June in Singapore.
-show analysis from http://movies.ign.com/articles/879/879562p1.html
Yes.. You should never ever judge a book by it's cover...
There was once i went to a local gig at some pub, the band that was about start their set on stage look like a bunch of nerds. They were dressed in simple t-shirt and jeans, wore oversized glassed. However the moment they started playing, i was blown away. They were awesome!
Quoted from the America's Next Top Model judges, "Dont judge a book by its cover, unless there's nothing in it"
rubbish movie... those kind ... when you walk of the cinemas... need 5 mins to recollect the storyline of the movie you just wtched... but kudoos to adam sandler... my fav. comedian
This is called........ a spoiler. haha
why spoiler? as in what sense.
yes, the show was a letdown! It was a slabstick.total disappointment. do not, judge a book by it's cover, it would come to a time where you regret it.
i did regret once when i said that this indian was hot in chinese to my friend sitting beside me. the indian guy turned around and smile. i was so embarrased. i have to stop percepting that all indians don't know chinese in our multiracial society.
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