Okay, yah, mother's day is over, but. just listen you all. listen i say!
remember nicole richie's party-capades? with ms.Lohan and the infamous Hilton, Paris. where she was all fat then skinny but still boob flashing? im so sorry, i keep writing about the whole entourage. i just realized. but its interesting right???? i hope so-_-
ANYWAY. i don't think anyone thought that she could be a good mom who would take care of her child properly.and be as f*ked up as Britney. Well, these are the times where celebrities make me smile and be happy for them. Nicole Richie isa good mom. She really has changed for the better and know what she has to sacrifice to be a mom. She took the challenge and changed everyones' perception. I know i have done a post for one on perception but i think this is a better example. I really did not think that nicole richie would be a good mom.
Well, that's that. Take that Britney. andandand I think Paris is secretly jealous of Nicole cos she's getting the limelight from being a good mom. Good luck both of you! Although i know someday you guys would divorce, hopefully not!
Okay, ya'll might not know the band journey so here is a preview! WITH A NEW LEAD SINGERRRRRRRRR YOOOOOOOOOOOO.
okay,sorry i was too excited BWAHAHAHA, but its because he really sounds like the old journey frontman. A little history on Journey. okay,sorry i was too excited BWAHAHAHA, but its because he really sounds like the old journey frontman. A little history on Journey. Journey is an American rock band formed in San Francisco, California in 1973, which had sold more than 100 million albums. The band has gone through several phases since its inception by former members of Santana. The band’s greates commercial success came in the late 1970s through the early 1980s with a series of powerful ballads and songs such as “Don’t stop believing”, “Faithfully”, “Open Arms” and “Separate Ways” After a few years of hiatus, they found their new lead singer, Arnel Pineda
Videos of The Zoo, which was the previous band he was in,performing cover songs by Journey, Survivor, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Air Supply, The Eagles, Kenny Loggins and other popular acts from the 70s, 80s and 90s, began appearing on YouTube.com in February 2007. On June 28, 2007, Neal Schon of Journey contacted Noel Gomez, a longtime fan and friend of Pineda who uploaded many of these videos, to ask for Pineda's contact information. Schon sent an e-mail to Pineda inviting the latter to audition for Journey. Pineda initially dismissed the e-mail as a hoax, but after being persuaded by Gomez, he finally replied to Schon's e-mail. Ten minutes later, Pineda received a phone call from Schon. On August 12, Pineda, along with his manager Bert de Leon, flew to Marin County, just north of San Francisco, for a two-day audition. The star-struck Pineda was welcomed warmly but he described the audition as "nerve-wracking, tense". On December 5, 2007, Pineda was announced as the lead singer of Journey. CNN Headline News ran the story as part of their "News to Me" segment. The next thing you know the new band is making a new album and appearing on the Ellen Degeneres show.
Now, a new addition to a group, calls for a different dynamic. Well,i think its more of Arnell who needs to adapt to the group. However the group has to adapt and give leeway to him if he does any mistakes too. There also have to be an effective group communication to hold the group together.
Group socialization is played in here, where there is a kind of contest between the individual and the group. Throughout the life of their relationship, individuals try to influence the group to meet their needs, whereas the group as a whole seeks to influence individuals to do what is best for it.
For Arnel especially, he has to adapt to group pressures.
One way that he can do that is to recognize that full membership comes only with time. Different stages in one's relationship with a group, different behaviours are expected. Before a new member can be accepted, he or she must earn the right.
-An idiosyncrasy credit is used to explain how groups regulatr the behavious of inexperienced members.
-An idiosyncrasy credit is a kind of symbolic currency earned through conformity. By meeting group expectations, members build up a 'credit balance' that can later be traded in for innovative behaviour.
-In simple terms, you earn points if you do something to make your group happy. However this process is slow and you really have hold it out and be "good" to earn that credit. I think most of that fraction is trust.
Adapting to group life is usually easier with support from others also. This support can come from a more experienced member who knows the ropes.
Well, Good luck to you Arnell, i hope you can be in Journey for a long time! Southeast Asia is proud of you!!
YES SHE FLASHED HER PRIVATES TO THE PAPPARRAZZI! (but im not going to show that.)
SHE ISSSSSSS BRITNEY SPPPPEEEAAAARRRSSSS!! From when she started out at a tender age of 18 making Baby one more time the top hit, winning many many awards till now, doing the craziest things apparently to get attention, she has always been looked up by millions of girls worldwide.Established as a international sex symbol, garnering controversy over the influence of her public image on teenage girls.
People especially mothers, do look at her in dismay and ask "do you know that you're an influence to girls everywhere including my daughter? why can't you just be a good example for girls all over the world?!" Her reply to that was that she has her right to do whatever she wants and that its not her responsibility that little girls follow whatever she does.
But she has to take up that responsibility.
No matter how much she deny it, she is still a powerful influence on little girls. Even her own sister got pregnant at the age of 16. As little the influence she might want to think she gives, little influence still is influence. Girls at young age who has so much access to the televison would think that maybe flashing privates or getting pregnant just like that would be okay.
(jamie lynn spears pregnant)
Now, on more technical stuff. Why does britney spears have so much effect on little girls ? It is because of the hypodermic needle model. It is a model of communications also referred to as the magic bullet perspective, or the transmissional model. Essentially, this model holds that an intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver. The model emerged from the MarxistFrankfurt School of intellectuals in the 1960s to explain the rise of Nazism in Germany.
The "hypodermic needle theory" implied mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful effect on their audiences. The mass media in the 1940s and 1950s were perceived as a powerful influence on behaviour change. Several factors contributed to this "strong effects" theory of communication, including: the fast rise and popularization of radio and television, the emergence of the persuasion industries, such as advertising and propaganda, the Payne Fund studies of the 1930s, which focused on the impact of motion pictures on children, and Hitler's monopolization of the mass media during WWII to unify the German public behind the Nazi party.
Britney may not have influence on us but it would have on children. And it is really up to parents to guide their children properly. However, i think she should take up the responsibility to set a good example for kids out there. But i don't think she's doing that just as yet. I don't blame her entirely actually, early age of stardom f*ked her up.Britney, i miss the old you.
ya'll gotta stop marrying, unless you know that you ain't gonna break up after 2 years. it is irritating for eyes to watch and disturbing. Do you agree with me? Everytime some celebrity get together to get married, they divorce a year or even a month later even we commoners can predict. It is quite fun to predict sometime. Let's analyse why and how these break up happens.
Bad interpersonal communication- duh. Dysfunctional patterns -Rigid role relations (dominance,distributing power within the relationship) -disconfirmations (rejecting responses,responses that leaves us with a diminished sense of self-respect) -paradoxes (sending once another contradictory messages,double messages) -spirals (one partner's behaviour intensifiesthat of the other -progressive spirals,regressive spirals, interpersonal self fulfilling prophecy)
Stages in coming apart- THE RETREAT FROM INTAMACY Knapp's relational development model 1)Differentiating-a couple begans to notice and comment on previously overlooked differences. 2)Circumscribing-couple carefully restrict their communication. certain topics are placed off limits because they are too painful. 3)Stagnating-characterized by silence and inactivity.communication is infrequent,and when it does occurs,it is stylized,rigid and awkward,as though the partners were strangers. 4)Avoiding-partners seperate either physically or emotionally. In this case, in a marriage, a spouse may spend more times at the office or visit relatives for the summer. Or even behaving as though the other don't exist. 5)Terminating-If both parties are aware that their relationship is dissolving,termination may come as a relief. - relationship is over.
So now you know. I'm not sure what happened to each of those couple who divorced but im sure that the dysfunctional patterns and stage of reetreating from intamacy was in play. lets wait and see nick cannon and mariah's marriage:DD
OKAY PEOPLE, before i start to say anything, look at this pair and what relationship can you conclude from the two?
Samantha and Lindsay, left to right. holding hands
having quality time together.
sitting intamately together.
hugging and kissing each other.
okay i know what you're thinking but hold that thought first. Early this year, when Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson were seen going out with each other alot,claiming that they are just bestfriends spending time together. Lots of time i must say.Everyone, especially the papparrazi and megazine companies were asking if they were REALLY best bestfriends or otherwise. They were denying, well, at least Lindsay's parents were. Unfortunately, non-verbal cues gave them away.
Obviously they are girlfriends. Not girlfriends in the bestfriends sense but girlfriends in the lesbian sense. Till now it is not confirmed but clearly they are sending out signals that shows the world that they are together as a couple. Guys, don't be sad, there's still Hilary Duff. Or i think Lindsay is bi-sexual, so maybe if you don't mind... ANYWAY, back to the point.
How can we tell? Non-verbal cues says a million words. Proxemics is the study of how people use and perceive the physical space around them. The space between the sender and the receiver of a message influences the way the message is interpreted.now, the intimacy between the Rondsay pair is too much for bestfriends isn't it?
Chronemics is the study of the use of time in nonverbal communication. The way we perceive time, structure our time and react to time is a powerful communication tool, and helps set the stage for communication. Lindsay, being Lindsay,had filming commitments and so they had to be seperated for a few days and they were obviously counting down the minutes untill they are together again.
Kinesics is the study of body movements, facial expressions, and gestures. Kinesic behaviors include mutual gaze, smiling, facial warmth or pleasantness, childlike behaviors, direct body orientation. Lindsay + Samantha = lots of smiles,hugs,kisses,holding of hands, pictures of deep gazing into each other's eyes. what more can we say? they are happy to be together obviously,but forever? lets stick around and find out.
Posture can be used to determine a participant’s degree of attention or involvement, the difference in status between communicators, and the level of fondness a person has for the other communicator.Studies investigating the impact of posture on interpersonal relationships suggest that mirror-image congruent postures, where one person’s left side is parallel to the other’s right side, leads to favorable perception of communicators and positive speech; need i say more??
Haptics is the study of touching as nonverbal communication. Touches that can be defined as communication include handshakes, holding hands, kissing (cheek, lips, hand), back slapping, high fives, a pat on the shoulder, and brushing an arm. Touching of oneself during communication may include licking, picking, holding, and scratching.These behaviors are referred to as "adaptor" and may send messages that reveal the intentions or feelings of a communicator. The meaning conveyed from touch is highly dependent upon the context of the situation, the relationship between communicators, and the manner of touch UH HUH???
p.s.:Another move indicating they are more than just friends is the $22,000 commitment ring Ronson bought the 22-year-old for her birthday last week.